Friday, January 6, 2012

{Back to school}

Well, Its 'back to school time' for me; and I have been oh so very anxious to get back into the swing of things! I cannot wait to just be all the finished!!!!! This semester I get to take a drafting class, and I am so excited about this! I'll finally be able to learn how to design floor plans, and not just silly ones I make up myself, real professional ones ;) woo woo! I feel like a kid again, so excited for my first day of class! Now what am I going to wear!? ;)
Can't wait to show you all everything I've learned... x's n o's

Thursday, September 22, 2011

{Fall Feeling}

Fall is my very, very favorite time of year! I just love the feeling, the smells, the colors, all of it! (except for all the spiders, eeek)...

Here are some super cute, and easy idea's that are affordable for your fall decorating! I can't wait to try some of these myself! ;)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

{In the mood for design}

I think I have been having design withdrawls... And House Beautiful is just the fix I need!
I am in love with these rooms, they are all unique in there own ways... So much of my inspiration comes from 'House Beautiful'.

Enjoy every bit of it! ;)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

{Wainscotting addict}

There has been a lot of wainscotting showing itself in the world of Interior Design, and I must say, I really like it! Ok maybe I LOVE it!

It adds such a classy appeal to dining rooms, living rooms, kitchens, ceilings, etc. You can use it in many different ways.... It is so beautiful!

Here are just a few ways of using wainscotting... I love how they use it on the ceiling in the 3rd example! The second example is from the set of Gossip Girl!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

{Playing catch up}

I have been slacking on the blog! It's been a crazy couple weeks....
I have been learning so much in school lately and it's been getting my creative wheels turning... all I think about is design!
We had an assignment in my Color's class which we were supposed to design a room based on a rug and painting!

This was my idea......

I wanted to design a classic, beautiful look! I was thinking, glamourous... I think of Audrey Hepburn when I picture this room!

The red pillow in this photo would look nice on the arm chair & sofa... It pulls some of the painting into the room!

The white barrell would make a nice stand in between the sofa and arm chair!

The zebra rug is a nice contrast with the white furniture!
Imagine all of this in a room with light hardwood floors, and cream colored walls, with white trimming all around the room!
Simple, yet elegant!

Hope ya like it :)
♥ Meg

Thursday, February 24, 2011

{Busy Bee}

I've been slacking on my blog this week, because I have been studying my little brain out for midterms.. BLAH... One down two more to go.... Next week I'm going to be talking more about the, Principles and Elements of design, and hopefully i'll be able to talk a little bit about COLOR!

Until then... Enjoy your weekend everyone...

Keep smiling :D

Ps... I see I have some more followers, and that makes me very happy:)