I have been learning so much in school lately and it's been getting my creative wheels turning... all I think about is design!
We had an assignment in my Color's class which we were supposed to design a room based on a rug and painting!
This was my idea......
I wanted to design a classic, beautiful look! I was thinking, glamourous... I think of Audrey Hepburn when I picture this room!
The red pillow in this photo would look nice on the arm chair & sofa... It pulls some of the painting into the room!
The white barrell would make a nice stand in between the sofa and arm chair!
The zebra rug is a nice contrast with the white furniture!
Imagine all of this in a room with light hardwood floors, and cream colored walls, with white trimming all around the room!Simple, yet elegant!
Hope ya like it :)
♥ Meg
Hope ya like it :)
♥ Meg